A debt help solution
is waiting for you
- Debts you cannot afford to repay may be written off
- Only pay what you can afford
- All the support & help you need
- Interest & charges may be frozen
No fee is charged for the initial advice. Fees apply if you enter a debt solution with us (for England, Wales and N. Ireland) and will affect your credit rating. The fees, risks & benefits of all suitable solutions will be tailored to your circumstances and explained in full. Some solutions result in debt write-off.
To discover more about how to manage your debt and to receive free debt advice visit www.moneyhelper.org.uk
Specialist debt advisors are here to help
The Debt Advisor Ltd is authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority. This means we are able to offer debt advice and administer both formal and informal debt solutions on behalf of individuals and business owners.
We provide no-obligation advice to anyone who requires debt advice. All options will be explored, and we will help you find the solution best suited to your individual circumstances. We are a commercial organisation and if you choose a solution we provide, fees will apply. Fees vary dependent upon solution and will be discussed with you. Retained payment may place you further into arrears with lenders.
Why choose The Debt Advisor?
We care

What we do differently
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The Debt Advisor FAQ
Can I get help today?
Contacting our team is the first step. You can call us during working hours on 0161 868 2500 or fill in a simple form here.
You will receive all the help and guidance you need to find a debt solution.
Why choose The Debt Advisor?
The Debt Advisor Ltd is authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority. This means we are able to offer debt advice and administer both formal and informal debt solutions on behalf of individuals and business owners struggling with unmanageable debt.
Will a debt solution stop creditor contact?
Creditor contact varies depending upon the solution you enter. All creditors are required to send you statements by law, and these will continue if you enter a debt solution. Solutions such as an IVA, Bankruptcy or DRO are legally binding arrangements, creditors are therefore no longer able to contact you to request payments or take action if it is approved, however, this can take several months, and they can still send you statements in line with the Consumer Credit Act 1974. A debt management plan is an informal plan and therefore does not prevent creditors from pursuing you in relation to payment or from taking further action. If your offers are approved by your creditors then correspondence should then reduce to statements in line with the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Other correspondence you could expect to receive is a default or notice of sums in arrears as you are not maintaining your contractual payments. In any solution it is important to share the creditor contact you receive with the provider assisting you to ensure that the information that is held is accurate and up to date. If you are under immediate pressure from creditors, for example, bailiffs, it may be suitable to consider the Debt Respite Scheme, otherwise known as breathing space, a scheme introduced to allow you 60 days space without creditor action or contact whilst you assess your options for handling your debt. We can use this to relieve pressure whilst we assess your situation and discuss the options with you.
Is the service free?
The Debt Advisor Ltd is authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority. This means we are able to offer debt advice and deliver both formal and informal debt solutions. We are a commercial organisation and if you choose a solution we provide, fees will apply. Fees vary dependent upon solution and will be discussed with you. We provide no-obligation advice to anyone who requires debt advice. All options will be explored, and we will help you find the solution best suited to your individual circumstances. Free debt advice and information is also available to customers from Money Helper.
What solutions are available?
Solutions provided by The Debt Advisor are available for individuals living in England, Wales and Northern Ireland:
Solutions provided by The Debt Advisor are available for individuals living in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. If you reside in Scotland, the solutions you may wish to consider are:
If you reside in Scotland, we can refer you to a Scottish Debt Solution provider. Free information regarding Scottish debt solutions can be found here.